Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

May 30, 2007

"A Night in Venice"

The New York Times (Sunday May 27th) featured the newly reopened Teatro Verde, a 1,500 seat open-air theater on San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice (pictured to the left). This summer, the theater is featuring the opera "A Night in Venice" by Johann Strauss. For more information about the theater, click here. The opera runs from May 18th - October 7th, with tickets ranging from 59 Euros to 99 Euros.

The plot of the opera "A Night in Venice" is set in historic venice during the carnival. For more information on the upcoming Carnival in Venice (January 26th, 2008- February 5, 2008) see the official Carnivale e Venezia website.

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