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May 15, 2007

Parola del Giorno: Martedi

Fare=to make, to do

Fare is an irregular verb ending in -are

io faccio (I make, I do)
tu fai (you make, you do)
lui fa (he makes, he does)
lei fa (she makes, she does)
noi facciamo (we make, we do)
voi fate (you make, you do)
loro fanno (they make, they do)

The verb fare expresses the basic idea of doing or making, but is also used in many idioms.

Idiomatic Expressions with Fare:
Fare il biglietto (to purchase a ticket)
Fare la spesa (to go grocery shopping)
Fare le spese (to go shopping)
Fare un domanda (to ask a question)
Fare colazione (to have breakfast)
Fare un viaggio (to take a trip)
Fare male (to be painful, to ache)
Fare una passeggiata (to take a walk)
Fare una fotografia (to take a picture)

Fare is also used in many expressions relating to the weather:

Che tempo fa? (what is the weather like?)
Fa bel tempo (the weather is nice)
Fa cattivo tempo (the weather is bad)
Fa fatto caldo (It has been warm)
In primavera fa sempre fresco (In spring its always cool)


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