Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

June 23, 2007

Aspettando nostri visti.........

Waiting for our visas........

We've been waiting for our visas for what seems like forever! We applied for a student visa through the Philadelphia consulate. The consulates loosely give a time frame of 4 to 20 days turnaround, presumably business days. Most of the consulates only work three days a week for a portion of the day- does that mean there are only three business days in a week? For a student visa you need to apply in person for the visa. Instead of driving to Philadelphia we went to the Honorary Vice Consulate in Norfolk, VA, which provides services for residents of Virginia. Our appointment was on June 4, and by June 5th at 10 am our applications had arrived in Philadelphia. Where or where are our visas?!?!?!

On another note, Oliver got his 15 digit ISO European standard microchip today. Once we get the paperwork back from the USDA in Richmond, VA, Ollie will be all set to get his Pet Passport upon arrival in Italy!

Only 66 days until we leave!!!!!

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