Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

December 1, 2007

Ollie and Mary: Reunited at last!

This past weekend we headed up to Verona to visit Lawren, Steve, and Mary. We had such a blast! It was so great to see Ollie and Mary together. They definitely are related! Ollie is a little smaller than Mary and his coloring is lighter. They seem to have similar markings and definitely have similar expressions and mannerisms. We are looking forward to hopefully spending more time in Verona in February.

We LOVED Verona! It is such a charming city and has so many places to walk the dogs!

Ollie and Mary at one of the dog parks in Verona

Ollie and Mary at another dog park!

Look at all the grass!

Reed, Ollie, and Mary at the castle park!

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