Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

July 2, 2007

Culinary Venice

The Sunday New York Times (July 1, 2007) featured an article on the cuisine of Venice "News on the Rialto is about Seafood as Good as Ever" which can be read here. Venice is rarely described as a food mecca, but this article highlights some of the better restaurants in the city as well as the cuisine. Venice, unlike the rest of Italy, is known to be an early eating town, with the majority of people (not just tourists) prefering to eat around 7:30 or 8pm.
The article highlights a few great points about eating in tourist locations, most importantly, staying away from the tourist sites and avoiding tourist menus. When in Venice, eat lots of fish and drink white wine, especially Soave, wine from the town of Soave in the Veneto region.

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