Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

July 31, 2007

The First "Lasts"

The count down on the bottom of our blog says 28 days until we move! Actually, four weeks from today we will be leaving for Italy! I can't believe it! We have been planning this for so long that it is hard to believe the time is almost here. The next nine days are my last days living in Charlottesville. This is the last week of work for Reed at Blue Light and for me at U.Va. After that, we have a few days of much needed relaxing. This week will also be Ollie and my last morning walks to the Lawn (it was very foggy and humid so the pictures are not as clear as I would like). The Lawn is especially pretty in the morning when there are few people around.........

Notice how the Rotunda looks like something you might see in Italy. That is becuase it is modeled after the Pantheon in Rome (For more on this, check out our other post here). Read a brief history of the Rotunda here.

Tonight I am going to go to Blue Light and have my last Spicy Tuna Roll! Check out the picture below of Reed's masterpiece! We actually met because of the tuna roll. I took a cooking class that Reed was teaching because I wanted to learn how to make the tuna roll-I never have gotten around to trying to make it myself! Maybe one day!


Eryn said...

your pup looks so collegiate sitting in front of the rotunda...whenever i look through my pictures they all seem to be of our dog, how does this happen. they're just too cute!

do you guys know how long you're going to live in italy or are you playing it by ear for now?

Ashley said...

So many of my pictures are of Oliver! They are so cute!

We want to stay for at least a year. Maybe more. A lot depends on if we are able to get a job and if our money lasts!

Roam2Rome said...

The first lasts already?!! I'm excited for you! :) Savor this time, the journey has already begun...

I'll warn you that Siena is expensive! I remember going down to buy basic food and the numbers would roooll up much to my amazement!

Food, clothes, and daily supplies cost far, far, far more in Siena than in other regions. Maybe because it's so tiny and historic, I even heard customers personally call the owners "Ladri!" and they answered with a smile "honest thieves, yes".

Plus, thinking about the exchange rate makes me cringe!

If your time in Siena depends on how long your budget lasts, then I'd recommend to run errands just outside Siena, your budget will last to keep you in pretty Siena much, much, much longer :)

Ashley said...

Good to know! Thanks for the recommendations. I know, the exchange is horrible!