Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

July 12, 2007


I've been spending a lot of time doing research on Italy. Every once in awhile, I come across really useful information. Two sources of invaluable information for me have been the Expats in Italy Web site and Slow Travel Web site/Forum. The Expats in Italy Web site helped me organize everything to successfully get our visas!! Yippee!!!

Anyway, recently while perusing the Slow Travel Web site, I came across great information on discounted train travel on Tren Italian under a promotional discount fair called the "Amica" fare. I'll summarize, but to see the original post, click here.

1. Results in a 20% discount over the standard fair
2. The fare is available any day of the week.

1. Not allowed on local trains where seat reservations are not required (D-Diretto, IR-Interregionale, and R-Regionale).
2. This fare is capacity controlled-tickets under this fare may not be available at the time requested.
3. Minimum fare is 10 Euros
4. Requires an advanced purchase (not a problem for me since I like to plan) not later than midnight before the day of travel.
3. There are restrictions to changing your reservation

Looks like something to check out!!!

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