Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

July 12, 2007

The Tuscany of Post Cards!

Lately I have been spending a lot of time reading about the area surrounding Siena, especially the Crete Senese (pronounced KREH-teh seh-NEH-seh). This area, south of Siena, is categorized by wide open fields and roads lined with Cypress Trees. The Tuscany of post cards! One of things that is so great about our future home is it's location. SlowTravel has at least two different articles on leisure trips that can be taken through this area. One article, seen here, talks about two specific "Cypress Lined Roads": the La Foce Cypress Lined Road and the Monticchiello Cypress Lined Roads. Also, on the way to Pienza (see post previous post about Pienza here) there is a beautiful farmhouse framed by cypress trees (see above picture). Maybe if we get to go to the Cheese Festival in Pienza, we can take our own picture!

The other article (seen here) lists a driving route through the Val d'Orcia, the area surrounding Pienza. Highlights of this drive include Montalcino, Montepulciano, Pienza, La Foce, and of course Siena!

I really am interested in visiting La Foce, and the picture below of the cypress lined road is the view from La Foce.


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