Make sure to check out Reed's professional culinary web site "Chef Reed Anderson."

August 30, 2007


We spent Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday morning in Parma. The city is not very big and we were able to see the majority of the city in one day. One of the nicest parts of the city is the area around the duomo and the baptistry which is made of pink marble from Verona Italy. The city of Parma straddles the Torrente Parma, a river, that was all dried up when we were there. Accross the "river" from the main part of Parma Parco Ducole and Palazzo Ducale, the Farnese family's home which is now the police headquarters. We enjoyed Parma as a short trip but overall there is not to much to see. Check out our post Parma At Last! on our other blog to read about what we ate in Parma.
Our hotel- Hotel Torino

The Garden at Hotel Torino

Street Hotel Torino is on

Piazza Garibaldi (the restaurant we ate at)


Baptistry made of pink marble

Oliver in Piazza del Duomo

Il Duomo

Piazza del Duomo

Il Duomo

Piazza della Pilotta- built by the Farnese family

Oliver inside Palazzo della Pilotta-look how small he is!

Palazzo Ducale inside Parco Ducale- now the police headquarters

Clock tower in Piazza Garibaldi

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