We finally found a hotel in Siena that we plan on staying at for a few days while we apartment hunt. It was not that easy finding a hotel as we will have Ollie with us and a car for the first night. Since the main priority on Monday and Tuesday will be looking at apartments, we want to be as close to il centro as possible. Plus, since it is looking like the rental car will be quite expensive, we did not want to pay $200 a night! This hotel meets all of our requirements!
Reed found this hotel on the Via Michelin web site, a site I found for driving directions. Located near the Palazzo Bardi in the heart of Medieval Siena, the hotel is famous for its architecture and decorations on the ceilings as seen in the photos below. The central hall is famous for its 18th century pavement inlaid in marble with rose ornaments.
I received a confirmation email today saying that breakfast is served in your room!
The hotel also has a nice private garden.
It looks nice and we are paying a lot less than the quoted prices on their web site!
Great photos on the site guys! and thanks for the link!
Thanks! I really like the header on your blog!
Ooh, can Luna and I stay there with you? Looks gorgeous!
I hope it is as nice as the pictures!
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